Consumer Fwks Neue feuerwerk vertrieb ROYAL FIREWORKS

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von RF Jeroen, 13. Juni 2011.

  1. Dear Fireworks Friends,

    We open just here a account on the this fireworks website and want introduce our self.

    We are a dutch company Royal Fireworks We import already for several years consumer fireworks and professional fireworks to europe.

    For consumer fireworks we have start with two lines the red factory and the Royal Garden, Later in our program we also import the Fu collection.

    All our items have the CE classifications and also some of them have the proof of BAM.
    That means some of our items can also be sell in Germany.
    At this moment we are busy with our new items for 2011 and we want show you some new ideas what we will bring on the Dutch market this year. If you visit our website Vuurwerk Kopen there you can see in which shop you can find our items.

    Also for the German market we are busy with our tests, some German shops know us already and have ask for special items what they will sell during the new year. If we passed all these tests then we publicing the names and where you can find our lovely items of Royal Fireworks.

    Sorry we can’t write our story in the German language so we do it in English.

    We hope you enjoy our website and video’s. When you have questions please sent us a email to [email protected].

    Have a nice day,

    Royal Fireworks Nederland BV

    Feuerwerk presented by Royal Fireworks >> Feuerwerk Verkauf
  2. Sounds good.

    Is the item from the youtube video with BAM id or without it?
  3. Hello and Welcome here!
    I hope you'll have luck with the BAM.

    Is the Video of the Item, dubbed? I cant hear the explosion at the Salute...

    Greetings from Germany,
  4. Good luck to you! Hope the BAM ain't gonna make you any trouble!

    Please keep us posted!
  5. Jes, it sounds great, but their one problem = BAM
  6. The video is great !
    I welcome it, that so many foreign fireworks-concerns come to the german market. :)
    It would be very nice if you' would sell your items in Germany - they only can be better than now (at the moment). (Ok, that's a little bit excessive)
    So - good luck with your project !

  7. Weiß jemand was neues bezüglich der Firma Royal Fireworks ?

    Außer der oben gschriebenen Ankündigung vom Juni 2011 scheint sich ja nichts weiter getan zu haben... War das alles nur heiße Luft ???
  8. I think yes...

    Bestimmt hat die BAM das zerstört ^^
  9. Schöne Salutbatt - *Träum*;)
  10. I hope that the company is soon to be found in our online store, they have really nice cakes :)
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