Consumer Fwks Is it true that you have to order youre fireworks?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von pyroNL, 27. Dez. 2009.

  1. Hello fireworkfreaks,
    I'm Nicky and i'm living in the netherlands.
    When i was reading on a populair dutch firework forum,i came a cross a topic of the Aldi sued.
    Now i have saw a list,coming by with the product of the aldi sud in Kleve,nordrhein westfalen(47533 )
    And some people speak,that you cannot take the fireworks directly out of the shop,but that you have to order it with the list.
    Now i'm worried that i cant take my fireworks tuesday morning..
    So please,can anybody excplaine me what the plans are with the list? and the whole thing arround it?
    Thank you very mutch,
  2. Hi Nicky,

    I think there is a small misunderstanding taking place.
    In Germany you have the opportunity either to order your consumer firework in online shops oder to get your stuff from normal discounters as Aldi is one of them.

    If you have any further questions, don't feel ashamed to ask them!

  3. Hi max,i understand that you have like 2 options.
    But i ment this kind of list;
  4. #5 MunMuckl, 27. Dez. 2009
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. Dez. 2009
    Hy, sorry, my english is not so good, but i try it.:D

    i think its like a Drive In.
    1. You go throught the market
    2. You take a carriage and a order-letter from the market
    3. You write your order on the letter
    4. You give off the carriage and the order-letter to an employee
    5. The employee put your order in the carriage and give it back to you.
    6. Now you can pay and leave the market with your fireworks.

    I hope it was right what i wrote her.
  5. Ik denk, dat ALDI niet zo veel fuurwerk in de winkel heeft.
    Uw geeft uw bestellformulier met het winkelwagentje af an een medewerker van ALDI . Hij gaat naar de container, om het fuurwerk in de winkelwagen te legen en dann terug naar ALDI te brengen, waar hij uw de fuurwerk geevt.

    God, my dutch is horrible!! :)
    Once again, ALDI don't have all that fireworks in the supermarket, most of the cakes are stored in containers. So you give the list to a worker, he goes to the container, picks the firework you want and then he comes back to the store to give you your firework.

    Meines Erachtens übrigens eine gute Idee, in unserem Aldi gibts grundsätzlich kaum Batts, und wenn dann mal aufgefüllt wird, sinds entweder net die, die man grade gerne hätte, oder harmlose Familienväter verwandeln sich in blutrünstige Bestien, um sich mit anderen friedlich-blutrünstigen Familienvätern um die paar Batts zu prügeln... :)
  6. Yeah i think youre right,its a shame you cant order what you want,such as a overpackage of reno(12 pieces's)
    Now im going one town further(Kalkar)
    In that aldi their isnt a list an you can grab what you want.
    I do this to nog be disapointed on the 29th..
    Just like 1 more day guys!
    Now im going to demonstrate my german phrasing;
    Danke schonn fur die tips,hab eine guten ruts ims neues jahr!
    Viel spass dienstagg,tschuss
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