Tarragona [Photos] 16. Int. Fwks. Display Competition Tarragona 2005

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von Tony, 7. Juli 2005.

  1. Hello Pyro's ,
    I have recieved some of the pictures that our crew member vinnie made at the show from Zaragozana.






    More pictures of the other shows will follow soon.

  2. vinnie had a nice time, i see.... :)
  3. Wow Realy Great Fotos. I Wish i Could take such Photographs
  4. Here some photo's off the display for tonight, you see some really nice tubes off the 12" watershell




    5 x 12" shell


    Japanees peanutshell



    Japanees shell with a big tail



    Photo off the setup for tonight
  5. Ladies and Gentle man ,
    Here i have for you 2 pictures of 2 x 300mm Watershells....

    Ow my ..
    Pictures taken by Vinnie



  6. Helle Pyro's ..
    Here i have some pictures more from Tarragona...

    These are from the display fired by A.Caballer.

    UberFreak Markus



    Evening display of Antoni Caballer




  7. Some more pictures of the Japanese show by Tamaya Kitahara on 7-7-2005

    The Director of the company ( I think )


    Vinnie with a peanutshell witch are 3 shells from big to small on eachother.

    The Company Igual From spain is helping with the Build up ....

    Evening Display



  8. Hi Tony
    really great Pics! Thanks! And Markus in the Middle of the Shells :p
    best Regards
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