Wettb. | Festival [Cancelled] Feuerwerks Festival "Sagra dell'Olio Novello" Rotello 2012

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von NightFlyer, 28. Juni 2012.

  1. Es wird dieses Jahr wieder ein Feuerwerksfestival in Rotello (CB) geben,
    welchen Umfang es haben wird und welche Firmen teilnehmen, steht noch nicht fest.

    24. / 25. November 2012
    Rotello (Campobasso)


    Dynamite, Kwunderbar, wickinger und 8 anderen gefällt das.
  2. First fireworks company for saturday 24th si Sergio Paolelli from Tagliacozzo (L'Aquila)!

    Dynamite, Matthias Meyer, Milo und 4 anderen gefällt das.
  3. I'll post in the right thread from now on. Here's a film from a batteria during Rotello 2010. I love it when I can get as close as this.

    Hmm. I can't post a youtube vid over here, but here's the link:

    Matthias Meyer gefällt das.
  4. Das ist NICHT lustig.

    Ihr bringt Euch und vor Allem die verantwortlichen Pyros in Gefahr wenn da mal was passiert.

    Salut Tom
    Matthias Meyer und NightFlyer gefällt das.
  5. This is a battaria. It's tradition that people run along. For your information: I'm not between those really crazy guys all the way in the front. I'm like 5-10 meters away. Is it dangerous: yes. Is it bad fot your ears: yes. Is it awesome: hell yeah!

    Underneath another film from a traditional battaria:
    Matthias Meyer gefällt das.
  6. Pyro-news from Rotello:

    Sunday 25th Novmber night fireworks display by Bartolomeo Bruscella from Modugno (Bari).
    PTU, Matthias Meyer, Pyro und 3 anderen gefällt das.
  7. That's really nice. Bruscella was in my opinion one of the better companies during the 2010 edition. I really hope La Rosa will compete also. Their shows are just astonishing. I love the single shots as opening in most of their shows.
  8. Pyro-news from Rotello:

    Also Schiattarella brothers from Mugnano (Naples) will be in Rotello (at present no decision about nigh or daylight fireworks)
    PTU, Matthias Meyer, Kwunderbar und 2 anderen gefällt das.
  9. Programme uncomplete of Rotello 2012

    Saturday 24th November

    at 13.00 daylight fireworks:
    Carmine LIETO from Visciano (Naples)

    at 16,30 batterie sanseveresi:

    at 21.00: night fireworks of Bartolomeo BRUSCELLA from Modugno (Bari)

    Sunday 25th November

    At 14,30 daylight fireworks of Sergio PAOLELLI from Tagliacozzo (L'Aquila)

    At 18.00 night fireworks:
    Angela DE LUCA from Ceppaloni (Benevento)
    SCHIATTARELLA brothers from Mugnano (Naples)
    Pyro und Kwunderbar gefällt das.
  10. Programme uncomplete of Rotello 2012 - update

    Saturday 24th November

    at 13.00 daylight fireworks:
    Carmine LIETO from Visciano (Naples)
    Antonio BORRELLI from Orta di Atella (Caserta)

    at 16,30 batterie sanseveresi:
    PALMIERI from Apricena (Foggia)
    ALTRUI & C from San Severo (Foggia)
    PIROLANDIA from San Severo (Foggia)

    at 21.00: night fireworks of Bartolomeo BRUSCELLA from Modugno (Bari)

    Sunday 25th November

    At 14,30 daylight fireworks of Sergio PAOLELLI from Tagliacozzo (L'Aquila)

    At 18.00 night fireworks:
    Angela DE LUCA from Ceppaloni (Benevento)
    SCHIATTARELLA brothers from Mugnano (Naples)
    Carlo DI MUOIO from Vatolla (Salerno)
    PTU gefällt das.
  11. Soeben bei pirovagando (danke) das offizielle Programm gesichtet:

    24. November:

    ab 14:30 Uhr Tagesfeuerwerke:
    - LIETO
    - BORRELLI Antonio
    - PIROGIOCHI di CHIARAPPA Giuseppe da San Severo (FG)
    - Fratelli MARANO da Pratola Serra (AV)

    ab 17:30 Uhr batterie sanseveresi:
    - Ditta PALMIERI da Apricena (FG)
    - Ditta Pirolandia da San Severo (FG)

    ab 21 Uhr Feuerwerk:
    - Bartolomeo BRUSCELLA

    25. November:

    ab 14:30 Uhr Tagesfeuerwerk:
    - Sergio PAOLELLI

    ab 18:00 Uhr Feuerwerke:
    - Angela DE LUCA
    - Fratelli SCHIATTARELLA
    - Ditta DI MUOIO Carlo
    - Ditta Luigi NAPPI da Palma Campania

  12. Definitive programme:

    PTU, Kwunderbar und NightFlyer gefällt das.
  13. Dear pyro friends, unfortunately Rotello mayor will not authorize fireworks so Mr Ercolino Palermo decided to cancel 2012 festival!

    No fireworks in Rotello in November.
    NightFlyer, stryder, Jürgen und 4 anderen gefällt das.
  14. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    Thanks for the info :(
  15. Any news on this?
    Is there any hope? I think its not, but better ask before cancelling flights and hotel.
  16. Unfortunately no news from Rotello!

    Festival has been cancelled definitely.

    Maybe in Adelfia we will have some news about it.
    crazyharry und Pyro gefällt das.
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