Other [Job offer] Director Ukraine and Russia

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Simeon Bosshard, 8. Feb. 2012.

  1. Pyroeffects GmbH provides since 10 years professional fireworks and special effects. For our customers allover Switzerland we plan, organize and carry out fireworks. Does not matter if for a festival with stage-fireworks or a large outdoor-firework on new year – By us the customer gets everything he needs from one hand.

    According to the changing markets we are looking for the chance to adopt the markets in Russia and Ukraine. This mainly to find new and interesting connections to suppliers in those areas but also to find possible projects here in Switzerland.

    Therefore we are hiring as per 1st of April 2012 a:

    Director Ukraine/Russia

    Are you interested and fulfilling the following requirements…

    • Russian or Ukrainien citizen
    • Fluently Russian and Ukrainien (written/spoken)
    • Universitary degree in English/German
    • Education and/or experience in buying/selling goods, managing relations to customers and suppliers as well as conducting negotiations
    • Experience in business practices in Russia/Ukraine
    • Impeccable reputation
    • Experience in firework-business is an advantage

    …if so we are glad to receive your complete application at [email protected].

    Pyroeffects GmbH
    With fire and flame!
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