Tarragona [Photos and videos] 14. Intern. Feuerwerkswettbewerb Tarragona 2003

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von Pyro, 22. Januar 2003.


Please vote for upto 3 fireworks displays which you liked most!

Diese Umfrage wurde geschlossen: 19. Juli 2003
  1. Marutamaja

    1 Stimme(n)
  2. Turis

    2 Stimme(n)
  3. Pagano

    2 Stimme(n)
  4. Zaragozana

    1 Stimme(n)
  5. Gamma-P

    2 Stimme(n)
  6. Toste

    1 Stimme(n)
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Status des Themas:
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  1. 14. Intern. Feuerwerkswettbewerb in Tarragona/Spanien


    14. Internationaler Feuerwerkswettbewerb in Tarragona / Spanien

    Die Termine für den diesjährigen internationalen Feuerwerkswettbewerb in Tarragona-Stadt (Nähe Barcelona/Spanien) stehen fest:

    An 6 Abenden, vom 7. bis zum 12. Juli 2003, findet jeweils um 22:30 Uhr ein großes Feuerwerk am "Punta del Miracle" in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Meer statt. Die Teilnehmer des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs stehen noch nicht fest, derzeit läuft die Bewerbungs- und Auswahlphase. Am 4. April werden die Teilnehmer bekanntgegeben.


    Die Firmen haben jeweils einen Tag Zeit für den Aufbau. Am Abend werden die Feuerwerke von drei schweren Salutschlägen um 22:15, 22:25 und 22:30 Uhr eingeleitet. Nach dem letzten Salut wird jeden Abend ein Lichterbild von mindestens 5x2 Meter Größe mit dem Logo des Sponsors der Veranstaltung gezündet. Bei den Feuerwerken handelt es sich um Höhenfeuerwerke ohne Musik, Wasserbomben sind erlaubt. Eine Kaliberbegrenzung existiert nicht, Bomben über 250mm Durchmesser müssen jedoch am hintersten Rand des Abbrennplatzes aufgebaut werden ;)
    Die Mindestdauer der Feuerwerke ist laut Wettbewerbsregeln auf 17 Minuten festgelegt. Es darf KEINE Unterbrechung zwischen einer vorherigen und der nachfolgenden Explosion geben! Die 17 Minuten beginnen nach dem Abbrennen des Lichterbildes bis zum ersten von drei finalen Salutschlägen.


    Die Jury setzt sich aus 16 internationalen, geladenen Mitliedern zusammen - und ich darf voller Stolz verkünden, dass ich dieses Jahr ein Mitglied der Jury sein werde. Vielen Dank an Jordi, Mikel und Quico für die Benennung und ihr Vertrauen!
    Die Bewertung der Feuerwerke beinhaltet folgende Kriterien: Ausnutzung des Raumes, Integration der Umgebung, Reinheit, Intensität, Helligkeit und Standdauer, Farbvielfalt, Größe, Form, Verschiedenheit der Farben und Effekte; Orginalität, Rhythmus und Art, Größe und Dauer des "finalen Crescendos" sowie der Wirkung des Feuerwerks auf die Zuschauer (Applaus). Abzüge in der Bewertung gibt es für zu kurze Feuerwerke, Unterbrechungen und Fehlzündungen/Versager jeglicher Art.


    Der Gewinner der "Venus City of Tarragona" wird am Morgen des 13. Juli verkündet und erhält einen Auftrag für alle Feuerwerksaktivitäten (Tronadas, Masclettas und ein gigantischen Feuerwerk) vom 15. bis zum 24. September 2003 während der "St. Tecla" Festivitäten.

    Nähere Infos (in Spanisch) findet Ihr auf:

    Weitere Infos folgen...
    Fragen und Hinweise zu diesem Thema bitte in einem anderen Thema schreiben und auf dieses Thema verweisen.

    Gruß und Schuss
    Markus von FEUERWERK.net

    Noch ein paar Impressionen vom Wettbewerb 2002:




    Infos zum Wettbewerb aus 2002 gibt's auch im FEUERWERK Forum
  2. Teilnehmer 2003

    Hallo Pyros,

    die Teilnehmer am Wettbewerb 2003 stehen fest:

    Montag, 7. Juli
    Maratumaya Ogatsu
    Tokyo, Japan

    Dienstag, 8. Juli
    Valencia, Spanien

    Mittwoch, 9. Juli
    Francesco Pagano
    Ottaviano-Nápoles, Italien

    Donnerstag, 10. Juli
    Zaragoza, Spanien

    Freitag, 11. Juli
    Gamma. P
    Deutschland / Italien

    Samstag, 12. Juli
    Hermanos Toste
    Los Realejos, Teneriffa

    Bald gibt's weitere Infos
    Markus von FEUERWERK.net
  3. [​IMG]

    Hier ein paar offizielle Infos und die Lebensläufe der teilnehmenden Firmen 2003:

    Markus von FEUERWERK.net
  4. Dauer und Nettoexplosivstoffmassen

    Hallo Pyros,

    ich habe vom Veranstalter die wirklich wichtigen Daten erfahren ;)
    Nettoeexplosivstoffmassen und Dauer der diesjährigen Feuerwerke:

    Montag, 7. Juli
    Maratumaya Ogatsu, Japan
    NEM: 1.319 kg
    Dauer: 17 ' 28 ''

    Dienstag, 8. Juli
    Turís, Spanien
    NEM: 1.284 kg
    Dauer: 23 ' 34 ''

    Mittwoch, 9. Juli
    IPON, Francesco Pagano, Italien
    NEM: 850 kg
    Dauer: 18 '

    Donnerstag, 10. Juli
    Zaragozana, Spanien
    NEM: 1.505 kg
    Dauer: 20 ' 6 ''

    Freitag, 11. Juli
    Gamma. P, Deutschland / Italien
    NEM: 1.327 kg
    Dauer: 18 ' '

    Samstag, 12. Juli
    Hermanos Toste, Teneriffa
    NEM: 1.543 kg
    Dauer: 18 ' 27 ''

    Gesamt aller Feuerwerke:
    NEM: 7.828 kg
    Dauer: 115 min. 35 sek.

    Je nachdem, wie die Bedingungen sind und ich mich beim Filmen anstelle, könnte das eine fette Doppel-DVD werden!

    Gruß und Schuss
    Markus von FEUERWERK.net
  5. Hallo Pyros,

    als Partnersite von http://www.tarragona.piroart.com berichte ich ueber die Feuerwerke des Wettbewerbs vor allem in Englisch - bitte entschuldigt.

    Nur zusammenfassend vorweg: der Wettbewerb in Tarragona ist durch und durch perfekt organisiert und die Feuerwerke haben ein sehr hohes Niveau! Es faellt mir ein wenig schwer, die Noten 1-10 fuer die Kriterien (s.o., z.B. Brillanz, Standdauer, Rhythmus, Orginalitaet usw.) zu vergeben....

    Bisher haben Marutamaja/Japan und Turis/Valencia/Spanien geschossen. Marutamaja war ein ueberwaeltigendes und gekonntes, typisches Japanfeuerwerk mit vielen Einzelschuessen und Wiederholungen der Effekte und dazwischen immer wieder kraeftige Bilder mit Starmines und zahllosen Bomben am Himmel.

    Turis hat ein ebenfalls typisches, diesmal aber typisch valencianisches Feuerwerk abgebrannt. Alle Bomben waren eigener Herstellung - Kugel- und Zylinderbomben mit verschiedensten Effekten. Besonders beeindruckend fuer mich waren natuerlich die fetten Wasserbomben und das massive Finale. Dieses Feuerwerk aber mit "Geballere" zu bezeichnen, waere extrem ungerecht. Durch das ganze Feuerwerk zog sich ein eigener Rhythmus und Turis verwendete viel Sorgfalt darauf, den himmel immer wieder mit verschiedensten Effekten vollstaendig auszufuellen. Fuer mich liegt derzeit Turis vorne.

    Mehr also demnaechst. Es bleibt zu sagen, dass die ersten beiden Videos gut geworden zu sein scheinen ;)
    Heute schiesst IPON Franc. Pagano aus Italien - ich habe auf dem Abbrennplatz massiv Zylinderbomben und eine sehr spezielle, 420 mm Kugelbombe (Kamuro w/Flowers) entdecken duerfen - auch hier alles eigener Herstellung - keine Chinaware! Wir werden sehen :D

    Gruss und Schuss
    Markus von FEUERWERK.net
  6. Dear fireworks enthusiasts and visitors of the 14th Tarragona Fireworks Contest!

    This is my first report from the contest. I am writing this after the first two displays have taken place at almost perfect weather conditions. Since I am not at home, all the photos and short video sequences will be published shortly after my return to Germany at the end of the contest. Please be patiened!

    Artistic director: Moto Ogatsu

    This was a kind of display which could have been described as a typical Japanese style display:

    After the perfect lance work with the logo of the main sponsor "Carrefour" the display started with some mine shots. In the following minutes the display continued somehow slowly with roman candles and red strobes pots. It is typical for Japanese displays to concentrate on the shapes, colors and perfect symmetry of the shells used. So great parts of the display comprised of single shots of perfect spheres, one following another. Sometimes the frequency rised up to multiple shots fired from three points of the shooting area. Almost all shells had additional stars in the mortar or rising effects when ascending.
    Several times the single shots and fronts of roman candles where "interrupted" by what I would call "between finales" where lots of shells of similar or equal shapes/effects where fired to fill the sky.

    The Japanese display ended in a massive burst of golden and brocade diadem chrysanthemums with small colored flowers. The finale interrupted shortly before it finished with another burst of chrysanthemums.

    Marutamaya used high quality material, especially round shells of own production without exception. The Japanese hanabishi are champions for kamuros, sunflowers, multi pistilled color changing chrysanthemums, 6-8 pointed chrysanthemums, buketts with small flowers and of course - pattern shells, although for my taste there were to much smilies, 5-pointed stars and hearts used.

    This was a high quality Japanese fireworks display from a very experienced and well known Japanese company! Thanks to Marutamaja Ogatsu Fireworks for this opportunity to see beautiful flowers grawn into the sky!

    [​IMG] PIROTECNIA TURIS S.L., from Turis, Valencia
    Artistic Director: Vicent Cervera Domingo

    The second display of Turis from Valencia was a high quality fireworks display, too - but totally different from Marutamajas show!
    They used almost the whole range of products an arial fireworks display can have: mines, roman candles, round and cylindrical shells in many variations - everything was made in their factory without using cheap Chinese material. The variety of effects used where overwhelming and cannot be reproduced by words! A lot of shells had "surprising" and changing effects.
    The level of brillance, duration and variety of their colors where very high and the sound of the massive salute barriages rised like a giant wave against the audience and jury.
    The countless nautic shells must not be forgotten, so must not the stepper effects at the beginning - although this digital fired effects did not fit perfectly to the rest of the rhythm of the show. We saw an heavy muzzle break near the end of the show but it did continue and no injuries where reported. Good luck!
    A special thanks to Turis for this perfect show!

    To be continued....
  7. Displays of Pagano, Zaragozana and Gamma-P

    So, here are the next 3 short reports about the 14. Int. Fireworks Contest in Tarragona:

    Artistic Director: Benito Pagano

    The Italian team did a powerfull and - as one should have excpected - very Italian style fireworks display.
    From the beginning in light rain (which stopped soon) to the giant finale (a cressendo of massive bursts of stutatas and heavy salute waves) it was a perfect show which consisted almost of cylindrical shells only. There were few roman candles and round shells used. The most important round shell was of course the enormous sky filling burst of the 420mm Kamuro with small colored flowers inside which was shot at the very beginning of the show. The fine golden stars dropped from high above into the mediteran sea - this was some kind of shell I strongly would have expected at the Japanese display!
    Besides some peonies and rings of salutes the Italians really did what they are famous for: cylindrical shells of highest perfection, from simple colored shells, to farfalle shells (even shot as nautic shells!), to multibrake shells with a lot of different effects, to stutatas which mainly let the sky explode in the finale - although I was told that sometimes Pagano has more stutata shells to offer ;)
    This was a very professional show highly accepted by the audience. Although the Italians shot often single shells the show had its perfect rhythm which one will not forget - many thanks to the team of Pagano for this remarkable event!

    [​IMG] PIROTECNIA ZARAGOZANA, S.A., from Zaragoza, Spain
    Artistic Director: Jos„z Antonio Llera

    A visit to the shooting area showed that Zaragozana would shoot a massive display with lots of shells and an huge amount of roman candles. They thus started and kept it throughout the entire show with uncountable peonies and other round shells, almost always supported by roman candles and other low height effects. The variety of colors was very good although the brightness of the stars werent always as good as seen in other displays here in Tarragona. The Zaragozana team e.g. shot nautic shells up to a caliber of 150mm and lots of different other effects to fill the sky. The display had a very good rhythm. Just before the finale the rhythm was interrupted by a sequence of roman candles and a short stepper effect with mines - this was a opportunity to calm down before the typical Spanish finale began.
    Thanks to Zarogazana for this fine fireworks display of Spanish fireworks tradition!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] GAMMA-P, from Kassel (Germany) and Catania (Sicily)
    Artistic Directors: Joachim Schon and Antonino Vaccalluzzo

    The marriage of a German and an Italian company made one expect a well choreographed fireworks display which combines German fireworks tradition and Italian effects, rhythm and sonority. And the audience should not be disapponted!
    My biggest criticism goes to the weather because the air humidity was so incredible high that big parts of this displays just drawned in smoke. This was even worse because Gamma-P did fire high quality fireworks material, mostly of low light effects. Throughout the show we saw many perfect varieties of golden or brocade effects, glittering and flittering stars, tremolant and very pure and fine salice d'oro stars. A lot of these wonderful effects were covered by their smoke.
    Gamma-P started the show digitally firing with artistic stepper sequences which was similar repeated at the finale and well accepted by the audience. As written above in long passages of the show a big amount of golden shells were fired which filled the sky. The only really colored sequences I remember was a massive burst of pistilled peonies.
    The Gamma-P team shot their nautic shells a different way the other teams did it: not one after another but at least 20 or more shells at the same time. The shells itself were e.g. marine flares which changed to whistling silver fountains - very beautiful.
    The finale was a thundering wave of silver spider web shells, Stutatas with some stepper effects. The sound level rised upto the final cressendo of salutes which one could deeply feel in the audience.
    Although the team had time problems during the day they managed it to fire in time and showed us a well done German-Italian show! We saw two bottom bursts of large caliber shells but as reported for the Turis show nobody seemed to be injured.
    Thanks to Gamma-P for this fine fireworks art!

    To be continued....
  8. Here comes the last report of the 14th International Fireworks Contest:

    [​IMG] PIROTECNIA HERMANOS TOSTE, S.L., from Los Realejos, Tenerife
    Artistic Director: Marco Antonio Toste del Castillo

    At the last evening of the fireworks contest the Toste brothers from Tenerife showed their knowledge in fireworks tradition at its best! The shooting area was filled with approx. 2000 mortars and lots of roman candles and mines. Furthermore they had some really artistic lance works in which they included the palm trees at one side of the shooting area - very beautiful!

    The display itself had a good "Spanish" rhythm. It started with lots of nautic shells combined with round arial shells. The amount and frequency of water explosions made the audience to cheer up!
    There were some calm sequences in the display with e.g. roman candles or golden fontains in a long front to the audience, 12 double rising glittering crowns (wheels, girandolas) were to be fired and of course the above mentioned palm tree lance works which changed from red color to white strobing. Above the lance work fine golden tremolant shells with weak bursts were fired to fall above the palm trees.
    There were other sections with massive bursts of big caliber golden kamuros or colored effects. The finale was a stetic rising cressendo of peonies and salutes which did not seem to end. Maybe as much shells were fired in the finale as in the total show before!
    This was a very good display and the audience recompenced it with big applause! Just before the finale there were some problems with racks of small caliber shells so that some shells exploded much to low.
    A big "Thank You" goes to the Hermanos Toste team for this enjoyable fireworks display!

    How did you like the different shows?

    You can vote for upto three (3) displays which were your favorites at the beginning of this page!

    Many thanks in advance!
  9. The official results

    Today at 12:00 h local time the official results of the 16 jurors were announced in Tarragona City:

    1st Place

    Total points: 2130
    Average points: 133,13
    Average voting: 8,87

    2nd Place
    GAMMA-P / Germany-Italy

    Total points: 2079
    Average points: 129,94
    Average voting: 8,66

    3rd Place

    Total points: 2026
    Average points: 126,63
    Average voting: 8,44

    4th Place

    Total points: 1982
    Average points: 123,88
    Average voting: 8,26

    5th Place
    PIROTECNIA TURIS / Valencia/Spain

    Total points: 1952
    Average points: 122,0
    Average voting: 8,13

    6th Place

    Total points: 1816
    Average points: 113,5
    Average voting: 7,57

    Congratulations to all participating companies - all displays were simply fantastic!
    It was very difficult for the jury to decide because all displays were so different that it was almost impossible to compare them. Each company had its own gorgeous ideas, rhythm and fireworks material. So the jury had to decide which display was a little more perfect realized and which one had a little better style, dimension, brightness, variety of effects, conjunction with the environment, sonority etc. than the others. These little differences had to been voted by the jurors in 15 different categories with grades from 1 to 10, where 10 is most. As one can see, the average votes for all displays are very high!

    I would like to deeply thank and congratulate Carles, Jordi, Nuria, Ester, Noemí, Jonathan and all who were involved to make this international fireworks contest such a professional and enjoyable event! It definetly belongs to the most important fireworks contests all over the world and every fireworks enthusiast should have seen it at least once in his/her life...

    Pyrotechnically yours
    Markus Klatt / FEUERWERK.net / Germany

    P.s.: I will prepare some images and video sequences of the displays in the next following days. Please come back later!

    P.s.s.: I filmed all displays with digital camcorders and will produce a double DVD out of that material! Please visit this website again at the beginning of September - the DVDs will be announced here as soon as they are available!
  10. Here are some pics of the shooting area and video sequences of the displays at the 2003 edition of Int. Fireworks Contest in Tarragona.


    [​IMG] VIDEO: Carrefour lance work, 8 sec, 1.4 MB




    [​IMG] VIDEO: Sunflowers, 11 sec, 1.9 MB
    [​IMG] VIDEO: Finale sequence, 29 sec, 5.0 MB

    [​IMG] PIROTECNIA TURIS S.L., from Turis, Valencia



    [​IMG] VIDEO: Colored flashes, 11 sec, 2.0 MB
    [​IMG] VIDEO: Finale sequence, 27 sec, 4.7 MB

    [​IMG] PYROTECHNIC INDUSTRY FRANCESCO PAGANO, from Ottaviano, Naples (Italy)



    [​IMG] VIDEO: Nautic shells - Farfalle, 8 sec, 1.6 MB
    [​IMG] VIDEO: Finale sequence (Stutata), 35 sec, 6.1 MB

    [​IMG] PIROTECNIA ZARAGOZANA, S.A., from Zaragoza, Spain



    [​IMG] VIDEO: Nautic Shells, 17 sec, 3.0 MB
    [​IMG] VIDEO: Finale sequence, 19 sec, 3.3 MB

    [​IMG] [​IMG] GAMMA-P, from Kassel (Germany) and Catania (Sicily)



    [​IMG] VIDEO: Silk Waterfall Shells, 14 sec, 2.5 MB
    [​IMG] VIDEO: Finale sequence, 29 sec, 5.1 MB

    [​IMG] PIROTECNIA HERMANOS TOSTE, S.L., from Los Realejos, Tenerife



    [​IMG] VIDEO: Parachute Flares, 12 sec, 2.2 MB
    [​IMG] VIDEO: Finale sequence, 31 sec, 5.4 MB

    All video sequences are in mpeg1 format. You can play it on almost all PCs. If you know how to do, you even can burn these videos with any burning program as "Video-CD" and watch it with your DVD-player on TV!

    Markus / FEUERWERK.net
  11. These are the official results for the online voting on http://www.tarragona.piroart.com


    As you can see they differ a lot from the official jury results and the votings on this page. So technically perfect shows must not be automatically honored that much by the audience...
  12. The shows are now available on DVD at


    in PAL-format for European users.

    The videos include all six shows (126 minutes playing time) with lots of photos of all firing areas and some trailers on a Collectors Edition double DVD-R.

    Maybe that link Translate with Babelfish helps a bit in understanding the ordering procedure. Just click the button near "http://video.feuerwerk.net"...

    The DVDs are available with chapter navigation in Catalan too. Please note if you would like to have the Catalan language-version when ordering.

    Markus / FEUERWERK.net
  13. Official results of the spectators

    So, besides the official results of the jury there are official results from the spectators (audience):

    Turís: all 8,99
    Gamma-P: all 8,91
    Toste: all 8,91
    Pagano: 8,70
    Zaragozana: 8,66
    Marutamaya: 7,28

    The voting for these results were done by internet (see message above), telephone calls and by paper (postal or manual).

    Pyrotechnically yours
    Markus Klatt / FEUERWERK.net / Germany
Status des Themas:
Es sind keine weiteren Antworten möglich.
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