Consumer Fwks Monster King mania

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von hertzwurm, 3. Sep. 2010.

  1. Last year I drove to germany to get some Phoenix cakes from the Aldi, because it's a good cake for a great price (yes, I'm Dutch).

    This year I'd like to extend my hunting party with the Monster King from Nico. Can someone tell me a shop close to the border between Holland and Germany (Arnheim) where I can find these babies?
    If they have some Lesli cakes (Camuro King = Voodoo) it's even better.

    Another question: Is it normal in Germany to get a discount when you buy: "ein ganze kiste"?
  2. Where you will find any cake is not for sure and a kind of lottery every year. Especially with all the Leslicakes nobody knows where or even if they will be available due to the fact that they are new on the German market. :eek:

    By the way the Monster King is available as "Vamp" or "PL-600", too. Perhaps it will help you when you watch out for this cake in December. :blintzel:

    Around December 20th you should look for the "Prospekte-Thread" where a lot of leaflets containing fireworks will be posted. If you find the Monster King (or the other names) you will be able to look if the shop is nearby you with this page... -->

    But you won't get a discount if you buy an entire packing unit of firework products in the "normal" supermarkets or hardware stores you will find in the posted leaflets of the "Prospekte-Thread". :D
  3. You could try Toschpyro ( Thomas Schulte Hard- & Software - Bahnhofstraße 2 - 49076 Osnabrück ).

    But from Arnheim to Osnabrück it's about 180 kilometers.
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