Display Fwks Shell tubes

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von djz-2007, 10. März 2009.

  1. hey...

    I have purchased Tubes for 4" and 8" shells...
    my question is, what is best to use a the bottom in the tubes, wood?

    the tubes are in fiberglass
  2. what is best to use a the bottom in the tubes?

    Hello. I'm Ms Timmy from China. nice to meet you!

    For fiber glass mortar, if you shoot one or two shells samples, you should put on a flat surface,and hard ground,make sure will not fall. If you have a fireworks show, its better for two ideas. One is dig a hole from ground and put into your fiber glass motors and make sure not fall. Second is use steel racks or wooden racks. Steel racks simple one, you can use three pcs to hold fiber glass not fall.:Dif any question,you can contact me.
  3. He dont ask for the Surface shooten from. He want to know what kind of Material is use as Bottom in the Mortars.

    I would say use Wood in HDPE Mortats.
  4. what is best to use a the bottom in the tubes?

    hello! I made a wrong understanding. sorry!

    For fiber glass mortar, In China, they use three different material as bottom in the tubes.
    1. Cement
    2. No full resin
    3. complex bottom ( cement, glass fiber cloth, flax, etc)

    I think it's best to use no full resin as the bottom in fiber glass tubes.
    djz-2007 gefällt das.
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