News and Events Fallas 2007 nearly with us...

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Flash05, 19. Jan. 2007.

  1. Well with the 2007 Fallas season almost here I thought I better do another video. I will not be in Valencia this year - but I will be back in 2008.

    Please find below a links page to all 12 'Tease' movies that have been produced over the past two years for , and forums. They go right back to 2005.

    Viva Las Fallas 'Tease' links page

    Enjoy :)

  2. HI Flash!

    Nice stuff you've put up there!
    I like those Videos and I just have to thank you for presenting them to us.

    Greets Dennis
    Flash05 gefällt das.
  3. Hi Flash,

    many thanks for your videos!
    In return I will publish some videos of 2007 here so you can enjoy Fallas though you were not there...

    Best regards
    Markus /
  4. Thanks for you kind words. I have enjoyed the times I have had in Valencia. Maybe this year I could go to Tarragona, I have one of Markus's DVDs from last year which is very good so maybe thats where I might go.

    Thanks Flash05:)
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