Wettb. | Festival Brünn 2006

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von anton, 17. Jan. 2006.

  1. Auch heuer gibt es wieder in Brünn-CZ das Feuerwerksfestival Ignis Brunensis.
    Näheres unter: www.bmue.cz
    Es gibt heuer insgesamt 6 Feuerwerke.
  2. I am going to Brünn at the end of May, i will have our firework display at 31 of May, i hope to see you all.

    I will take some fotos and videos about ours latest events.
  3. Hi Moreira !

    I will come on this day also on friday mai 19th to the prelude and i hope also i will see all the nice people from the last year !

    With the best wishes

  4. Hi Anton, what did you think about our firework display?

    I had a great time in Brno.
  5. hi

    do u have any videos of your fireworks display?? can i hav a copy
  6. Hi Moreira !

    I must tell you a bad thing wy i can not see your show.
    I am living about 200km from brno and at this day you have your show i drive with once from 2 cars i have at 15:00 afternoon to brno. In austria its possible to have 2 or 3 cars with one number plate and you can move this on a car wich you want drive. On the border of Austria /CZ i see i have forgott the number plate an i must drive return at home !
    At friday 2. june i drive to brno to see the nice people and the grand finale from barrandov and i hope i can see you but Mr Stolber tell me you are on this time not in Brno because you have another firework-display and he tell me also you are the winner against . Congratiolation!!!
    I hear , next year shooting the winners from the last years in i well see you shure at 2007. I see the show from Sweden but it was not so greatfull . I think the musik was not so good.

  7. hi

    hi how bout you mister anton? do u hav any videos from d show of sweden?
  8. No , sorry !
    But I think if you ask the people of Flash Barrandov they can help . Call Mr. Stolber from Fl Barand. and ask him .
    Also Snip Comp. You will find all them of the Home Page from IGNIS BRUNENSIS.
  9. oh ok tnx for d infos!!
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