Wettb. | Festival Moselwein Festival Traben-Trarbach 08-07-2017

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von Shell-Martijn, 15. Juli 2017.

  1. Hello from the Netherlands :)

    With this post I like to share my video with you from the great show in Traben-Trarbach last week.

    This was the second time I went to this show.
    I love the shows from Steffes-Ollig!!

    So enjoy my video :)

    (Don't forget to leave a like/sub/comment on the video, thanks!)


    Pyro und Feuer-Engel gefällt das.
  2. Hey Martijn!

    Thanks for filming this firework! Next year we'll meet us in Traben-Trarbach. :)
    I hope, I can be there. I hope, that it was a great weekend in our region!
    ... and we will visit the "Aacher Hof", I send you a photo :D

    Greetings from Feuer-Engel!
    Shell-Martijn gefällt das.
  3. Thanks Feuer-Engel, hope to see you next year. And we drink a beer at the Aacher Hof :)

    When you visit Aacher Hof ask for Arie, he is my brother and works most of the time in the evening there.

    Have a nice weekend!

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