Other Barock feuerwerk film

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Lai, 17. Feb. 2009.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm working on the design of an exhibition about Baroque in London.
    And I would like to have a video projection showing Baroque-style fireworks, something like the effects used in the Feuerwerk Extravaganza at Ludwigsburg or at Schloss Hof in Austria.

    Can anyone please let me know if you have filmed this sort of footage or know someone who has done this?
    I will start to have a look at the Videoserver now but the collection seems to be so large that I could use some helpful information :)

    The footage needs to be high quality so I can edit 2-3 minutes of film for the video projection and I am (of course) available to discuss any copyright questions about using the film in the exhibition.

    Thanks in advance for any help...
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