Other dvd of tarragonna 2006 (in the shop)

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von joss55, 26. Nov. 2008.

  1. hi, i want to buy the dvd of the competion of taragone in 2006 wich is in sale in the shop

    but i dontk now how to buy it because i dont speak german but i have a question about the dvd

    im a member at freakpyromaniac

    i have thez show in video but all video are cutted

    in the dvd the fireworks are in full version or its the same version at the movie from freakpyromaniacs ?

    because i want have the full version of pyrogestion omg ! it would be christmas day for me !
  2. Ecrive a Pyro. Comme il a fait ce video, il doit soire quelle versione est sur le DVD mais usualement c'est tous de l'artifice de feu et pas seulement un part.
  3. I'll try in English ;)

    No, these DVDs in my shop are not made by Freakpyromaniacs but they are the unique FEUERWERK Videos from FEUERWERK.net - so you get videos from a slightly different filming position with a somehow calmer way of filming.

    Furthermore these are the official DVDs for Tarragona council - so one was able to buy them in Tarragona city.
    I deeply suggest you buy the Tarragona DVD 2005 too, because that was a very good year. The shows are cut for about 3-8 minutes each. But I cut dark szenes without shells or very smoky passages only - so you do not miss anything. I do have to cut because otherwise the videos would not fit on a single DVD in best quality...

    For ordering just send me a simple email or PM.

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