Consumer Fwks Silvester 2015 - 2016 in Niederlande

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von jamietje, 8. Nov. 2016.

  1. I made a compilation video, enjoy :D

    [youtube="New Years Eve 2015 - 2016"]N8JvskpEhMg[/youtube]
  2. Got some more clips :D
    A very good Whisteling Cake
    [youtube="Return of the Phoenix."]qZ3EgUTov_0[/youtube]

    A crossete cake i love these
    [youtube="The Malibu Action"]p8V8KJv-YSY[/youtube]

    Big effects from this cake
    [youtube="Kick the sky"]TG1D7gBRC50[/youtube]

    Also love this cake it's pretty
    [youtube="Palme il cielo"]2CLzWeCNmYQ[/youtube]
  3. Time for some more video's
    First of a Salute Cake called Mastery

    Vip Cake H with nice glittering willows
    [youtube="Vip Cake H"]T_wPj9gELN4[/youtube]

    This cake was free a nice Color Tip cake called Toxic

    And 2 unknown cakes with nice Palms
    [youtube="Unknown Cakes"]H4NsONjssbo[/youtube]
  4. a wave fan cake, Across the Nation

    [youtube="Across the Nation"]BX77xt-5zHA[/youtube]

    Crown 500 a nice cake

    [youtube="Crown 500"]7lRkpd6CYwc[/youtube]

    Rebel a nice willow cake

  5. Time for another 3 video's :D
    First a Salute Cake named Down Under it has good bangs and the mine lights up the street. It's made by Marijn Vuurwerk for Lesli Vuurwerk.

    [youtube="Down Under - Lesli Vuurwerk"]T1hmAx3PlyM[/youtube]

    They now have their own fireworks brand again named Witte Vuurwerk with some unique fireworks that I will show next year.

    Now it's time for Blazing Devils it's a small cake and cheap, but I love tails like these the magnesium tails, the tails are a little thin but you can buy 2 as it's cheap.

    [youtube="Blazing Devils"]YeGCDVZHzuo[/youtube]

    I think only I bought this cake in The Netherlands it didn't have a video so I took the risk, it's chaotic but I love the silver it lights up the street more cakes need bright Silver in them, hopefully in 2017 a new trend. Auckland Avengers

    [youtube="Auckland Avengers"]Lc-C9DwPjXI[/youtube]

    When it's Christmas I bring you guys my last video's!!
  6. The Down Under looks good. Hope it comes 2017 to germany.
    jamietje gefällt das.
  7. Down Under and Mastery are hard to find here I'm probally one of the few people that had some of these cakes, hopefully indeed :D

    Whistling Wave is a unique cake in The Netherlands glad I bought it

    [youtube="Whistling Wave"]tOz2Rem7IoE[/youtube]

    Tiger Parade shoots falling leaves I always wanted such a cake and it wasn't very expensive so i went for it, I was pleased with it.

    [youtube="Tiger Parade"]ly6vXsNaCy4[/youtube]

    Crackling Chry 2.0 it started quickly so not filmed well, but it fires a crackling mine that fills the street with a crackling cloud that fills the sky.

    [youtube="Crackling Chry 2.0"]IupKuo_5kR0[/youtube]

    Merry Christmas, I got 1 more video to come :D
  8. Merry Christmas, I bring you my last cake for this year.
    Golden Mayhem from Pyrostar NL, the mines look a little sad but I enjoyed this cake.

    [youtube="Golden Mayhem"]ROxFM8QAtfY[/youtube]

    Wishing you all a Happy New Year for now :D
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