Indoor + SFX Fire on Water Effects

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Jack Wong, 14. Okt. 2006.

  1. Greetings Members,
    I'm from Singapore & next yr we are going to celebrate our August National Day at Marina Bay surrounded by water. As I'm the Secretary for the Fireworks Display Committee, we intend to put up besides the usual fireworks display, the fire on water & flame effects. Would appreciate if any of you expert out there can shed some light on how does it work & what are the safety considerations. Cheers!
  2. Well as for the watershells. You use normal mortar tubes but under a angle of 45 degrees (as for the Beko and Weco brands but I suppose that's the same for all but it's alway noted on the shells themselves).

    You have effects that are used in normal firework display as well as typical water-effects such as the "red carpet" effect and others effects that first give a fountain and at the end a mine effect.

    Then the last technical aspect is that when the shell leaves the mortar after hitting the water first bounces several times and then explodes but the angle is Very important.

    Just ask local firework companies for the availability of these products.

    Just look at the following threat and download the movie here you see watershells until 300mm (12")

    Copyright: FreakPyroManiacs
  3. I don't think that Mr. Wong was speaking about water shells but meant flame projectors using gas for an effect that seems like the water is actually burning. Unfortunately i can't help with that but i am shure some members here will be able to assist you. (Andreas?)
  4. I am sure that these gentlement can help you:

    Best Regards,

  5. Dear Moderator & Members of this Forum,

    Many thanks for the response with regards to my query. It is correct that what I am asking is the flame effects on water & also the flame jets effects to compliment our National Day intention to compliment the Fireworks, Water Fountain, Water Screen & Laser Effects to bring pomp & pagentry to our grand National Day Parade.

    We have not done the flame effects in a large scale before & are concern on the safety to our audience & crowds. Also, to know the costs involved.

    Hope someone can aid me to at least give me a rough guide as to the basic cost of having a running flame effects, say across 300m bridge & a platform of 120x83m. How many flame jets I need to spread across the length of the bridge & perimeter of the platform. With this, hope someone can advise on the estimated cost & the safety considerations. Many thanks. Cheers to Feuerwork Forum. :cool:
  6. Prices are not really appreciated unfortunately on this forum but you go to the website and ask for an enquiry they will certainly help you out on that one.
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