Display Fwks this is our factory products

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von michaelli66, 27. Juli 2012.

  1. From which country are you or your company?
  2. Versuchen die hier einen Importeur zu finden oder wie darf ich mir das vorstellen :dontthinkso:?
    Wirkt ein wenig komisch...
  3. Next time, link with a decent description, shell size, shape (cylinder or ball shell) and a few other construction details. Stand back a little bit further with the video so that one gets the same view as the audience.

    In short - are you trying to get critique on the effects of your shells so you can improve or are you looking for someone who will import them and are just doing a product show?

    Crackling-pistill not round, check the inner shape of the shell!

    Burst too bright for my liking and overshadowing potential effects that you combine it with. Strobe rate (shimmering) is too high and not lasting long enough. Are those nitrate strobes?

    Fair work, would have to see in person to say anything about the colors - it looks a little washed out but that may just be the camera.

    Holy sh..... can you break something without that much flash? Additionally, strobe rate is still fast and more a shimmering but this time they stand long enough in the sky to be really called twinklers.

    Nice work although a little bit more delay on the outer petal wouldn't hurt to distingueish between the two crackling clouds. Think crackling- silent - crackling not a continuous noise. 1/4 sec more delay and you'll have it completely seperated.
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