Consumer Fwks Silvester 2014 - 2015 in Niederlande

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von jamietje, 13. Dez. 2015.

  1. Guten Tag,

    I made a video of New Years Eve.
    All Dutch Fireworks more to come later, hope you enjoy it.

    [youtube="New Years Eve in Holland 2014 - 2015"]1zUqNsy9KRA[/youtube]
    Germanytraveller gefällt das.
  2. I have some video's for you guys to watch.

    First is Immortal Gold it's a 4 x 25 cake box with 20grams a shot and a 30 MM tube.
    The Biggest thing I've ever seen real life.

    [youtube="Immortal Gold 100sh 20grams 30MM"]ooFxh2zyLvg[/youtube]

    Next are Sky Runners these are 40 grams rockets (the max ammount) you get 10 of them in a pack and they don't cost much, this video shows you all effects.

    [youtube="Sky Runners 40grams Rockets"]FaHJtRqul28[/youtube]

    Speed is an affordable z shape cake, it doesn't cost allot but gives you nice brocades.
    [youtube="Speed Brocade Z Shape"]umdiej13wq8[/youtube]

    Finally are the Rocket Booms they only cost 10 euro and I liked it, it comes with fun effects.

    [youtube="Rocket Boom"]Clb_gHF9Kmw[/youtube]
  3. Hey I got more fireworks for you guys :D

    First is Stars over Paris it doesn't cost allot, but it's a nice cake!

    [youtube="Stars over Paris - Wolff Vuurwerk"]4XnK193FdHs[/youtube]

    Then Fairy Tails I love bright show tails like these.

    [youtube="Fairy Tails - Orange Collection"]DcQh-ty2q5k[/youtube]

    And a salute cake I belief you can't have these cakes in germany? Thunderbrick

    [youtube="Thunderbrick - Lesli Vuurwerk"]_T2KzyySSWY[/youtube]Last cake for now is Aftershock it has allot of different effects and that's why I like it.

    [youtube="Aftershock - Lesli Vuurwerk"]oyF-A6iZ8_E[/youtube]
    Saiph gefällt das.
  4. Today I have 2 cakes for you guys.
    First is Titanium Thunder it's a salute fancake, but it didn't go as it should have.

    [youtube="Titanium Thunder"]qaYJeWR8wAo[/youtube]

    Next is Made in Heaven a brocade crown cake.

    [youtube="Made in heaven"]ZNMjeopLfwg[/youtube]
  5. Guten tag :p

    I have some more video's for you guys,
    First is a 4 x 36 combi cakebox called Big Momma

    [youtube="Big Momma 4 x 36 shots"]vHntKNAtOZo[/youtube]

    And then a crackling cake that fills the sky that I got for free and I love it.Called the copycat.
  6. Ok it's almost 12 and then everyone go's big :D
    So now it's time for my final 3 video's

    Phantom is a fontain cake with shots in it, it's beutiful


    Then Sparkling Snow it's a Spinning tails cake I love these

    [youtube="Sparkling Snow"]YCYpkLTRbiY[/youtube]

    Last is Cadeau #1 it means Present #1 and it's a nice whisteling cake.

    [youtube="Cadeau 1"]XEWrMjiQfZ4[/youtube]

    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!
    White thunder1 gefällt das.
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