Other videos?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von ricasa25, 20. Nov. 2007.

  1. Hi, I'm new here and I have a question.

    I would like to see videos , that's why I'm here, but I've been looking for the movies in the videoserver and there are only a few movies. What I would like to know is if there are more videos in this site, and where. Sorry, I know it could seem a stupid question, but I've been doing an effort to understand the web page ( using translator, of course) and I didn't find what I was looking for. I know it's kind of unpolite to use this forum as a personal search assissstant, but I'm new and first I have t0o solve this question.

    Thank you very much for your future answers. Ramon.

  2. Don't worry, you are welcome!

    There are some more videos spreaded in the threads. Most thread's topics begin with [Video] then...
    On the videoserver are few shows only, that's correct. What you will not find are all pyromusicals. Because of legal rights we will upload pyomusicals to youtube only, sorry.

    Did you change your forums navigation to English already?
  3. Yes, I saw yor youtube account yesterday and your tests. You uploaded two videos from Parente. Very good idea. The quality is not bad in you case.

    I changed it to english. Thank's.
  4. Youtube will improve in quality soon.

    We have A LOT of pyromusical shows to show on Youtube. Will take time, but we will upload ;)
    All shows without music will be uploaded here on our videoserver in very good quality.
  5. Look at "Feuerwerke und Events" and then in then in the subfolder "Deutschland" I post many Videos there hostet on various Free File Hosters.

    An Other opinon:

    Look @

    www.voreifelrambo.de (My own Page)
  6. I would be looking forward to those videos! :D! I wish you have a video of the show of the philippines in pyronale that has the same quality as sweden hahha!! :D That's a great idea putting the pyromusicals in youtube!
    Hi ricasa25!
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