News and Events Sagra del Fuoco 2005 - Recco (Genoa) - Italy

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Carlo, 5. Sep. 2005.

  1. Recco fireworks festival 2005 "SAGRA DEL FUOCO":

    7th September 2005:
    ore 22.30: fireworks display of Bartolomeo Bruscella - Modugno (BA)
    ore 23.30: fireworks display of Lorenzo La Rosa – Bagheria (PA)
    ore 23.45: fireworks display of Aniello Boccia - Palma Campania (NA)

    8th September 2005:
    ore 13.00 fireworks display of Carlo Ferreccio – Avegno (GE)
    ore 22.30 fireworks display of Ugo Lieto (Fire Works) – Visciano (NA)
    ore 23.30 fireworks display of F.lli Ferraro (La Tirrena fireworks) - Mondragone (CE)
    ore 23.45 fireworks display of F.lli Scudo (i “guaglioni”) - Pollena Trocchia (NA)

    More information on
  2. interesting

    Hi Carlo,

    many thanks for the infos!

    Do you know how are the displays compared to San Trifone ad Adelfia/Bari? How long are they? 10 minutes each? Do they shoot special festival shells?

    Thanks again,
    sounds very interesting

    Markus /
  3. Displays are good as Adelfia even if the bombs are smaller! All displays are approx 15-20 minutes long. In Recco (unfortunately) we do not have "bombe da tiro" (the big singles bombs) as Adelfia but all displays are of high quality.
    I am working to the English version of the site and I hope to be able to be on line as soon as possible.

    See you in Recco or in Adelfia!

  4. Many thanks again!

    Sorry to hear that there are no bombe da tiro ("festival shells"), but if the quality of the rest is high, then this is not a problem ;)

    What is about the people around? Is this similar to Adelfia? There are crowded religious processions and markets only but few foreign tourists. So, one has the chance to get a good calm place in the wine yards to follow the shows without big crowds of people around. Is this somehow similar in Recco?

    Unfortunatly I cannot come to Recco or Adelfia this year, but I will definetly visit an Italian festivity next year again!

    Best regards
    Markus /
  5. Recco is very smaller than Adelfia and we are a sea-town and fireworks are on the beach and docks!
    We are very near to the houses and the bombs are diam. 130 mm (cilyndrical) and 210 mm (shells) maximum!
    No big bombs like Adelfia but very spectacular!!!
    We have many tourists in 2 days (60.000) and no calm places since we are in the centre of the town![​IMG]
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