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Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Tony, 1. Juni 2011.

  1. Hi guys,

    i just want to let you know that we have opened a new website for our foreigner fans. This website is all about the Freakpyromaniacs videos and in the English language.

    Have a visit and tell us what you think about the website!
  2. Hallo Tony!
    Thanks for the exelent Website!
  3. Nice Firework HomePage and very cool Videos!
  4. This website will kick my eyes! The picture with the shells with bee-effect looks nice!:):):)
    What is with your classic-videos?:)
  5. Do you mean you want them on the website?
    I can fix that. I took out the Dutch fireworks shows because they are not that good. But especially for you i will put them on if you want.

    Thanks for registering Matthias! You are the first one :D
  6. Ther are no better things to do like watch fireworksvideos in my free time,tony!!!:)
    Tony gefällt das.
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