Wettb. | Festival Knokke-Heist 2004 ( B )

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von Tony, 27. Aug. 2004.

  1. Last week there was a festival at Knokke-Heist in Belgium .

    The competition was between 4 country's

    - The netherlands ( Broekhoff)
    - France ( Regie Fete )
    - China ( Sunny )
    - Italy ( Parente )

    The fireworks must be fired on music .

    Parente won this contest because they know how to shoot with a small budget a very nice fireworks .

    Parente congratulations :D .

    Pictures of thailand winner of 2003 , closing fireworks 2004.




    These pictures are taken by my girlfriend , for the first time she make pictures of fireworks ,. heheh for the first time she had to follow me 3 days to watch fireworks heheheh.




    And of course you can see all the movies on our website .

    Movie's knokke heist 2004
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