Consumer Fwks NYE 2018 - 2019 / Silvester 2018 - 2019

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von jamietje, 5. Nov. 2019.

  1. Edelgaskonfiguration und KohleGold gefällt das.
  2. I have 3 cakes for you today.
    - Crackling Chry 2.0 is a crackling fanshape cake and the effect is massive
    - Streetmuscle is a falling leaves cake
    - Cruelty is a salvo shots cake

    Crackling Chry 2.0 - Zena Vuurwerk

    Streetmuscle - Vuurwerktotaal

    Cruelty - Wolf Vuurwerk
    KohleGold gefällt das.
  3. I have two new video's to show.
    First is a compound named Ghostbuster. I accidently didn't record the first video.
    Second is whisteling cake with 40 shots

    Ghostbuster -Wolff Vuurwerk

    Tolla Mina - China Redl
    PeonyMontana und KohleGold gefällt das.
  4. I have two amazing new firework products for you guys to watch!
    The First is an effect you don't see very often, Spinning Flowers.
    Second is an amazing compound cake for a great price, Bulldozer.

    Spinning Flowers - Zena Vuurwerk

    Bulldozer - China Red
  5. Again two more video's to check out.
    Bee's & Boquets is sadly going out of stock, I liked it,
    The E-Pulz didn't fire like it should have, so I'm not happy with it.

    Bee's & Bouquets - Zena Vuurwerk

    E Pulz - Vuurwerktotaal
  6. Edelgaskonfiguration gefällt das.
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