Besucher Shooting fireworks in NRW

Dieses Thema im Forum "Kurze Fragen, schnelle Antworten" wurde erstellt von Feuerwerkkoning, 31. Dez. 2020.

  1. Hi there fellow pyros,

    We are 4 Pyro freaks from the Netherlands. As you may know, lighting fireworks in the Netherlands this year is prohibited. Because of this, we booked a house in NRW (südlohn). As of now, we got send away every single time we lighted our fireworks. This is why we are posting this "emergency" message. Is there anybody that we can join or is there anybody that knows a shooting location? Our collection is quite big ;)
  2. You are allowed to do it on your own ground. Let people talk and stay away from open streets.
    Also you could just drive into the "woods" and start your firework there.
  3. There are horses here and they don't like it. And in the woods we are sent away. Just looking for some place to shoot our fireworks without any complaint from people.
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