Besucher Downloading FWS packs.

Dieses Thema im Forum "Kurze Fragen, schnelle Antworten" wurde erstellt von Plunderbird, 12. Nov. 2017.

  1. I just brought the FWS basic simulator, and can't download any of the packs, from the online database. I click on the title (i.e. rainbows), then when I get the pack list, I click on the download this pack. But nothing happens, I don't get the download in my download folder, on my computer. Nor do I get the pack in FWS, ready to use.
    Any help would be welcome.
  2. Hi Plunderbird,

    thanks for purchasing FWsim.
    Usually, when you click "Download this pack", a small window with an animation should popup. After a couple of seconds, a message should say "12 new effects installed".

    Do you get the small window with the animation?

    You can also reach me at lukas [at] FWsim [dot] com.

    Pyro gefällt das.
  3. Hi, Lukas. I don't get anything. :( Is it because I just have the basic version? Or could there be another problem? I hope you can sort it out, as there are some colections I'd like to download.
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