News and Events Firework competition in Scheveningen (Holland)

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von Baldy33, 13. Aug. 2002.

  1. Today authorities anounced that the firework competition in Scheveningen will take place from 20 to 23 august, 22:00 and 23:00. Earlier anouncements reported a cancellation due to outcomes from safety investigations. Since the accident in Enschede safety regulations for fireworks have been revised and modified, now they're much stricter :mad:

    Anyway I look forward to a whole week of fireworkshows, first four days in Scheveningen and then the japanese firework show in Zeebrugge (Belgium). By the way; Germany will perform their show on friday 23 august at 23:00.


  2. scheveningen 2002

    the fireworks festival in scheveningen is not really a compatition with other country's. :(
    there is only one company that light the fireworks.
    it's the firma SKYLIGHT from HOUTEN (NL).
    and the fireworks is not with music.
    they use normal flowerbed's and small shells , because of the new rules after the "big bang" in enschede.

    but if your in the area,
    it's a nice (small) firework display to watch.

    if you want to see a good firework festival ,
    go to KNOKKE-HEIST (belgium).
    its a good firework display on music!
    it's every year on the 17,19,21,23,25 of august.(22u)

    greatings from holland

    de vuurwerkjunk.

    ps: don't look at my bad english.
  3. hey boys..
    next year its al better..
    the want to do it on pillars in sea...
    so the can schoot bigger schels...

    sorry for the bat englich..

    blue lagoon

    alsow a member of
  4. Scheveningen

    Hello Guys,

    some pieces of the show were quiet disapoiting, however, the watershells were awesome. Hopefully next year is better...

    hey tony,
    lekker forum hierzow hè... 'k wou dak beter duits kon....

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