News and Events Fireworks National Flag(Guinness World Record for 9th Fireworks Festival)

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von victorwu, 12. Mai 2009.

  1. How about the Fireworks National Flag?

    The 9th China (Liuyang) Internatinal Fireworks Festival will use a special way to express the deep wishes for motherland, that is to use a world's largest fireworks national flag to celebrate the 60th anniversary of motherland, the initiative would also create a new Guiness record in fireworks industry.

    Well, how about the arrangement work of the fireworks national flag now and what difficult problems had been encountered in the development process?

    For the purpose, especially interviewed with the Chairman Mr He Jirong of Hunan Internationl Celebration Fireworks Co.,Ltd which is manufacturing the national flag and will set it off .

    Now, let's invite Mr He unveil the mystery of the national flag.

    Click the following url to watch the video (English and Chinese subtitles): (Video)

    Note: is the Chinese version of
    Pyro gefällt das.
  2. #2 Unregistriert, 20. Mai 2009
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 20. Mai 2009
    Pyro, Pyromagie und michaelli66 gefällt das.
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