Besucher Is it time for a European Fireworks Organization?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Kurze Fragen, schnelle Antworten" wurde erstellt von HocusPocus.Pyro, 15. Dezember 2018.

  1. Dear all, excuse me that my German writing skills are just too bad. But I have a quick question... With the ever-increasing pressure in all countries within Europe, isn't it time to try and organize the people who have an interest in fireworks? If you are professionally active, there is EUFIAS. But for consumers, or just admirers of shows, there seems to be none. (Am I wrong?). If so, maybe it's time to come together and create an organisation that could make a united voice that speaks positively about fireworks. That can highlight the positive aspects, the cultural aspects, and that can emphasize the proper information, based on facts. What are your thoughts on this? Am I the only one who thinks like this?
    Minos, Twistone, Mofafreund und 8 anderen gefällt das.
  2. #2 HocusPocus.Pyro, 15. Dezember 2018
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15. Dezember 2018
    Please share your thoughts. Response in German shouldn't be a problem :)

    Also, it might be worth mentioning that in "Die Niederlaende" a group of enthusiasts, have achieved it that the lighting of fireworks by citizens in their streets on New Years Eve is on a candidate list of the Dutch intangible cultural heritage;
    Het afsteken van consumentenvuurwerk met oud en nieuw

    This is all connected to UNESCO's UNESCO - Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
    (And, you probably also know this: UNESCO - Valencia Fallas festivity)
    PeonyMontana gefällt das.
  3. #3 Farben im Himmel, 15. Dezember 2018
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15. Dezember 2018
    Da mein Englisch aus der Schulzeit mittlerweile nicht mehr das beste ist um komplexe Sätze zu schreiben antworte ich jetzt erst mal auf deutsch und gehe davon aus das viele Niederländer es verstehen / lesen können.

    Es würde sicher auch einigen hier gefallen wenn man eine Art grenzübergreifende Verbindung herstellen könnte.

    In erster Linie würde ich persönlich dann am ehesten an eine Verbindung zwischen den Niederlanden, Deutschland und Österreich denken. Vlt noch Belgien und Schweiz bei Interesse.

    Das Problem was ich sehe ist wie man das alles organisiert bekommt. Wo man den Start macht ?

    Ich sehe hier im größten deutschprachigen Forum nämlich noch nicht mal viele Schweizer und nur einen Luxemburger.
    Belgier hab ich hier auch noch keinen gesehen, auch keinen Elsässer, obwohl da einige deutsch verstehen können. Österreicher sind ein paar da, aber in Summe auch nicht wirklich viele.

    Auch Niederländer sind aufgrund der anderen Sprache fast keine vertreten, aber schön das wenigstens du dich zu Wort meldest.

    Die Sprachbarrieren sind leider eine große Hürde wenn man es mit einer großen Anzahl Menschen zu tun hat.

    In den Niederlanden spricht man sicher mehr englisch als in Deutschland oder Österreich.
    Um sich gegenseitig online zu vernetzen müsste man wohl darauf eingehen durchgehend englisch zu schreiben, damit die Mehrzahl es versteht.
    Das wäre bei mir mit etwas Anstrengung wahrscheinlich möglich, bei vielen älteren wahrscheinlich schwer.

    Wenn du Verbindungen in die niederländische Pyroszene hast und dort in Foren unterwegs bist kannst du ja gerne mal schreiben das man eventuell hier im Forum einen internationalen Thread mit Englisch als Sprache machen könnte.
    Bzw gibt es das nicht schon und da ist nicht viel los ?
    Discussions in English

    Groetjes ! :)
    HocusPocus.Pyro gefällt das.
  4. #4 ViSa, 15. Dezember 2018
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 16. Dezember 2018
    Hello HokusPokusPyro,

    Generally I agree with your idea and share your opinion.

    The main problem what I see is the fact that europe is currently under big changes. Unfortunately there are a lot of topics like environment facts e.g. fine dust concentration, very laud noises, migration or an dangerousness by terrorsim, etc.
    Here in germany a lot of people hate fireworks and they have a very big network communtiy in social media groups. They make a big difference between consumers fireworks (not accepted) and comercial fireworks accomplished by professionals (accepted)
    The links you are shared (Fallas de Valencia, etc) will be do as far as I know only by professionals.
    Furthermore I see big problems with the different laws in each countries. That means a lot pyrotechnics/ categories are allowed in some countries and forbidden in others. This is in my opinion a very sad situation that each country can set a higher restriction of prohibitions as the EU guideline. If we are really a european union then should be the law/ guideline also valid for all countries without additional single restrictions.
    And this is the main point where I think that your idea will be failed. Additional there is a very big problem with people there are misusing fireworks. They don't care about their handling and the following consequences.
    If you have a idea regarding this topic, please let me know ... I guess that this black sheepes put our hobby to a very bad reputation ..
    Kooikerfreund und HocusPocus.Pyro gefällt das.
  5. #5 HocusPocus.Pyro, 15. Dezember 2018
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15. Dezember 2018
    Vielen Dank für deine Gedanken. Gute Punkte wurden gemacht. In den kommenden Tagen ist es die richtige Zeit für die "Vorfreude", wie die Deutschen sagen. :) Wir nennen das Voorpret.

    Bitte erlauben Sie mir einen Moment zu verbringen und über eine richtige Antwort nachzudenken. Ich glaube auch, dass es klar was dass ich mich nur über diese Frage gewundert habe. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich heute alle Antworten habe.
    Ich bin etwas optimistisch, dass vielleicht hieraus etwas Gutes entstehen könnte.

    Der Einfachheit halber habe ich jetzt Google Translate verwendet. :)
    ViSa, Soldat4215, PyroRick81 und 2 anderen gefällt das.
  6. Lobbying aka interest representation costs a lot of money. We already spend tons of money for fireworks. So as much as I love the idea, mostly nobody will be ready to spend additional money for doing things that fireworks manufacturer/import companys should pay for with their profits.

    China has an economical interest, too. China also has way more political influence.

    So the fireworks manufacturer/importer have lots of money and a big strong brother from China. So it‘s their job to let us keep having fun with fireworks. If they don‘t do their job, they will lose a lot of money.

    Politics: The more bills you pay, the more influence you have.

    You‘re from the Netherlands. Your restrictions are insane. You know why? Because the Netherlands don‘t profit from consumer fireworks sale. Germany profits, Belgium profits, Poland profits (not any longer after BS bust) If you want to soften the restrictions in the Netherlands, revolutionize your local firework market. Create the best legal fireworks online shop in the Netherlands. Make tons of tax revenue for your home country. Offer your people the best legal bang possible. After the big Bshop bust, it is the best time to start something big.

    If you want to have influence.
    Become a millionaire and pay politicians. Don‘t become a politician. You will thank me in five years ;)

    Take care
    ViSa gefällt das.
  7. #7 Mofafreund, 15. Dezember 2018
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15. Dezember 2018
    In my personal opinion it is a great idea to create an association for all the firework enthusiasts that is able to speak up and stand up for their rights when it comes to law enforcements, to further restrict consumer fireworks. It would be also great in that manner that we as powerful group, could push our interests further to the point where the European union greatly fails at the moment. The many restrictions we have at the moment are completely insane. Even the law gives no clear guidlines in many points regarding consumer fireworks. I think you also heard about the "P1" debate which started one year ago on this forum and there are still many questionmarks. Also the "F2" category some products are "F2" but you are not allowed to buy them for some questionable reasons. Regarding the huge market of consumer fireworks we have at the moment, it is hard to distinguish between legal and illegal stuff. And we just have those problems because the authorities are not able to create a clear guidline that is approvable for the hole European Union! That is something that we can only change as a group of many forming an association!
    ViSa gefällt das.
  8. This sounds strange for me ... why ?
    I don't know the law in NL ... is it mean that in NL fireworks are tax free ?
    Could you give me a exactly explanation, please ?
  9. No it‘s not tax free. Fireworks in NL are more expensive than in the neighbour countries.
    The strong restrictions also caused a big black market.

    It‘s a small country with close neighbours and no borders.
    I have no official numbers but my guess: 50% of the money spent in Netherlands for consumer fireworks is spent on the black market or in the neighbouring countries. So a lot of tax revenue lost for the dutch state.

    It is ridiculous: the Dutch have the strongest, most passionate pyro scene in Europe. Yet, their country does not profit from it(financially)
    Even German Youtube Videos contain the description „illegal vuurwerk compilatie“

    This is a Dutch problem, this problem has to be solved locally. The European Union will not solve it for them. Not within the next 10 years.

    As much as I love Europe and my Dutch neighbours. Please take care of your own shit, please take that massive ********* bust as an opportunity for your pyro scene to go legal. Please spend all your money for fireworks in your country and only legally. Just for one New Years Eve.

    That‘s all what the big Dutch Pyro Scene has to do. Just spend all your money locally and legally for one fucking New Years Eve. Then your state would have official numbers. Then your state would realize the ridiculous amount of money to be made. Then local restrictions would be softened. Then the whole European Union would profit from it.
    ViSa gefällt das.
  10. Nun, inzwischen gibt es in einem Teil Belgiens einen Vorschlag, Feuerwerkskörper zu verbieten, und es scheint mehr Aufrufe zu geben, die Verwendung von Ballons und Konfetti usw. zu verbieten Beispiel Amsterdam ... Dies sind alles deutliche "Anzeichen", wie schnell sich die Gefühle verändern ...

    Ich mag den Ruf von Heiko Röder "Make Sylvester Great Again!" und seine unterhaltsamen Youtube-Videos sind auf Feinstaub usw. Aber ich denke, wir brauchen eine "konzertierte Anstrengung" innerhalb Europas zu einer Art vereinigter Gegenstimme.

    Ich habe versucht, hier oder dort einen "Sack" zu geben. Aber ich habe keine große Reaktion gesehen. Nur wenige Reaktionen.

    Mir ist klar, dass es nicht leicht sein wird, dies zu organisieren. Es erfordert Verbindungen ("Freunde in hohen Orten").

    Jedenfalls war ich neugierig, Ihre Gedanken dazu zu hören.


    This was my original text before I used Google Translation:

    OK, so, now meanwhile there is a proposal in a part of Belgium to ban fireworks, and there seem to be more calls to ban the use of balloons and confetti etc. And then there are attempts to ban hydrocarbon fueled cars in cities like for example Amsterdam ... These are all clear "signs" of how rapidly the sentiments are changing...

    I really like Heiko Röder's call "Make Sylvester Great Again!" and his entertaining Youtube video's on fine dust etc. But what I think we need is a "concerted effort" within Europe to some kind of a united countervoice.

    I have been trying to give a "poke" here or there. But I haven't seen much of a reaction. Only a few reactions.

    I realize that it won't be easy to organize this. It requires connections ("friends in high places").

    Anyway, I was curious to hear your thoughts on this.
    Pyroheart und Pyro tha dragon gefällt das.
  11. So, a few years later, the landscape for enthusiasts of consumer fireworks have deteriorated. As could be expected already.

    By now we are really running out of time. I have been trying to encourage the various interest groups to start working together. To join forces.

    Please have a look here at this "Call for Action":
    Pyro tha dragon gefällt das.
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