Wettb. | Festival [Malta] Videos

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von Voreifelrambo, 23. Dez. 2004.

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    Videos vom St. Anrew Festival aus Luca.

    The most awaited time in every Maltese town and village is the festa period. The festa is a blend of social and religious celebrations that take are organized annually, mostly during summer. The Maltese festa dates back to the 15th century and probably originates from similar traditions in southern Spain and Sicily. Originally they consisted solely of religious celebrations but eventually, by the end of the 18th century, the social aspect blended with the religious one. The foundation of village band clubs made the Maltese festa more colorful than before with their marches and musical programmes.

    The festa of the village of Luqa is celebrated for the honour of St Andrew. This festa is one of the oldest which is still celebrated in the Maltese Islands. It is held during the first week of July reaching its climax on Sunday. In Luqa two band clubs participate in the festa namely the Union Band Club and the St Andrew's Band Club. Luqa's festa is renowned for its fireworks and also decorations that are erected along the village streets.
  2. Ich lade mir grade das Feuerwerk vom Montag runter,muß ja klasse werden,so mit ordentlichen Mehrschlagzylindern!!!!!! :D :D :D
  3. Ja diese Mehrschlagzylinder sind Oberfett. Aber auch die anderen Bomben bei den Feuerwerken sind echt vom Feinsten. Die Farbigne Knallsätze finde ich besonders toll
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