Wettb. | Festival Rapallo (Genoa) Italy - Feste di Luglio 1-2-3/7/2013

Dieses Thema im Forum "Wettbewerbe, Festivals" wurde erstellt von Carlo, 16. Apr. 2013.

  1. #1 Carlo, 16. Apr. 2013
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 17. Apr. 2013
    Programme of Feste di Luglio (July Feasts) in Rapallo (30 km from Genoa on Eastern Riviera):

    1st July 2013
    08.00 sparate di mascoli liguri (ligurian firecrackers)
    daylight fireworks of Sestiere San Michele by Ugo Lieto from Visciano (Naples)
    daylight fireworks of Sestiere Cerisola by Lorenzo La Rosa from Bagheria (Palermo)

    22.15 sparate di mascoli liguri (ligurian firecrackers)

    night fireworks of Sestiere San Michele by Ugo Lieto from Visciano (Naples)
    night fireworks of Sestiere Cerisola by Lorenzo La Rosa from Bagheria (Palermo)

    2nd July 2013
    12.00 sparata "del panegirico" (big display of ligurian firecrackers, more than 7.000)
    daylight fireworks of Sestiere Seglio by La Tirrena Fireworks - Ferraro brothers from Mondragone (Caserta)

    22.45 sparate di mascoli liguri (ligurian firecrackers)

    night fireworks of Sestiere Borzoli by Giuseppe Catapano from Saviano (Naples)
    night fireworks of Sestiere Costaguta by Bartolomeo bruscella from Modugno (Bari)

    3rd July 2013
    22.00 sparate di mascoli liguri (ligurian firecrackers)

    22.15 sparata "dei ragazzi" (ligurian firecrackers called "fireworks of boys")
    night fireworks and Castle's fire of Sestiere Borzoli by Giuseppe Catapano from Saviano (Naples)

    23.15 sparate di mascoli liguri (ligurian firecrackers)

    night fireworks of Sestiere Seglio by La Tirrena Fireworks - Ferraro brothers from Mondragone (Caserta)
    night fireworks of Sestiere Cappelletta by Pirotecnica Tigullio di Gianni Bavestrello from Rapallo (Genoa)

    pyroto, Kwunderbar, AJack10600 und 5 anderen gefällt das.
  2. Hey Carlo,

    first, thank your for the timetable!
    Can you give me / us some tips for the festival?
    Where do I have to go to for the best view for "sparate di mascoli liguri" and the night fireworks?
    Is it allowed to do own fireworks during the festival?
    I dont believe but I would be happy to do some italian crackers:D
    Thank you!
  3. Best place to see night fireworks is indicated in the map as "postazione degli scienziati" [platform in the sea are A and B]

    In the same position you can see "sparate di mascoli" of Sestiere Seglio on your left and Sestiere Borzoli on your right near old castle.
    Other sestieris are too far to be seen [position in the map with logo of each Sestiere].

    During the festival (but also all the year) it is not allowded to do your own fireworks without authorization of police!

    TrueFitted und Ben77 gefällt das.
  4. Ok Carlo, thank you so much for your information!
    Im happy to go there...;)
  5. [youtube="Daylight fireworks by Ugo Lieto"]B4ATqZCsIT0[/youtube]

    [youtube="Daylight fireworks by La Rosa Fireworks"]y24RT0HhZf0[/youtube]
    pyroto, macmax, NightFlyer und 3 anderen gefällt das.
  6. [youtube="Night fireworks by Ugo Lieto"]gw0bnuSC-c4[/youtube]

    [youtube="Night fireworks by La Rosa Fireworks"]gyX2A1UeB1o[/youtube]
    pyroto, PTU, Kwunderbar und 5 anderen gefällt das.
  7. [youtube="Daylight fireworks by Ferraro brothers"]K5gbqyuWYGw[/youtube]

    [youtube="Night fireworks by Giuseppe Catapano"]lhSXHlh6tFA[/youtube]

    [youtube="Night fireworks by Bartolomeo Bruscella"]BzrSl8KJDAo[/youtube]
    pyroto, macmax, Matthias Meyer und 4 anderen gefällt das.
  8. I visited Rapallo this year at Feste di Luglio 2013. I recorded 4 night shows of 6 (because I had tarragona) and one daylight show. I would like to present my photos and videos from this event.

    Night shows:

    La Rosa Fireworks (Sestiere Cerisola) - 01.07.2013:
    [youtube=La Rosa Fireworks (Sestiere Cerisola) - 01.07.2013]701gx6DJ5xk[/youtube]

    Ugo Lieto Fireworks (Sestiere San Michele) - 01.07.2013:
    [youtube=Ugo Lieto Fireworks (Sestiere San Michele) - 01.07.2013]xWe4Cnwy2KU[/youtube]

    Bartolomeo Bruscella (Sestiere Costaguta) - 02.07.2013:
    [youtube=Bartolomeo Bruscella (Sestiere Costaguta) - 02.07.2013]cUYKkGimjDE[/youtube]

    Giuseppe Catapano (Sestiere Borzoli) - 02.07.2013:
    [youtube=Giuseppe Catapano (Sestiere Borzoli) - 02.07.2013]dcH2qFZrhgs[/youtube]

    Daylight fireworks show - La Tirrena Fireworks dei F.lli Ferraro - 02.07.2013:
    ...:::Video coming soon:::...

    Photos: - LINK TO ALBUM




































  9. Thanks Carlo & mpiwowski

  10. Does anyone know something about the program of this year? I will visit Rapallo this year, but I didn't find any informations yet.....Greetings!
  11. Programme is still not available but save the date: 1st, 2nd and 3rd July

    Hope to be able to post it soon!
    Feuer_und_Flamme! gefällt das.
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